
    “互愛國際愛盟網”的域名由兩個數字“2”和漢字‘愛’的漢語拼音“ai” 組成,數字“2”代表著兩個人(男方和女方);“ai” 代表著愛、愛慕。男方愛著女方;女方愛著男方,雙方互愛互敬。所以本網站的域名叫做:“互愛國際愛盟網”,預示著男女雙方深厚忠貞不渝的愛情

    The meaning of domain name of our international mutual love Union

    The domain name of "International mutual love Union" is made up of two
numbers "2" and the Chinese Phonetic Alphabet “ai”of the character "爱" 。The word "2" represents two people (the man and woman); "ai" represents
love,affection. The man loves the woman;The woman also loves the man. Both
sides love and respect each other. Therefore,the domain name of our website is called: "Internetional mutual love Union ", indicateing the deep and
faithful love between the man and woman!

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