>>>姓名:jackie 介绍:68年,加拿大公民,自有农场,找一肯吃苦耐老,温柔体贴爱家的女士,先友后婚,电邮:freeman2898@sohu.com,有信必复。地址:canada vancouver
>>>姓名:R. L. Zhao 介绍:我55岁,健康,显年轻有活力 .来自上海,在美国21年.短婚未育.自营公司.有地产,经济良好.1.74m68kg欲寻有生育能力,有缘女士.邮箱:billbi888@yahoo.com.电话:001-8186184688. 地址:22241 runnymede st.canoga park ca.91303
>>>姓名:bill bi 介绍:男53岁,单身,170cm, 北方人,定居美国15年。住南加州。博士经商,有自己的企业,经济优。觅45岁下温柔漂亮,心地善良女士,共度余生。E-mail: Richard1955@usa.com, 私人传真909-680-3166。Mr. Zhao 地址:1142 S. Diamond Bar, Blvd. #327, Diamond Bar, CA 91765
>>>姓名:joe 介绍:Thank you for reading my AD I'm a 38 year old business man who lives in NY with very sucessful business. I'm very down to earth and looking for someone to share and build with. I'm a high educated, smart, motivated, clean and family oriented man. I would like to find a woman that I can be with and hopefully marry and have a family with. More about me, I'm an Chinese American.I have two master degrees and speak 4 languages, I work in business for a very good company, I stand about 5'9" and in shape. I'm a pretty good cook I enjoy my Japanese, Italian, and American dishes. This is just a little about me please tell me where you're from and everything else you can think of. Cant wait to talk soon. I'm very serious about finding the right lady. joewashingtonusa@hotmail.com. 地址:美国纽约
>>>姓名:ken liang 介绍:I am 38 years old cantonese, Australia citizen, self-employ. looking for 25-32 chinese girl,my E-mail: veg_meat@yahoo.com.au Phone NO: 0061414330369.地址:Australia
>>>姓名:Lu Ming Qi 介绍:I am 49 years old man, single, Australia citizen with a good educated. Looking for nice and pretty Chinese girl(30-40 years old)for marriage. E-mail: shanlu31@yahoo.com Telephone is: 0419677051.地址: NSW ,Australia
>>>姓名:eric 介绍:Seeking a lovely lady to spend my life together. I am a active Sports person, enjoy life and love traveling, seeking someone with the same interest.chinese_stud@netzero.net.地址:los angeles, USA
>>>姓名:Wei 介绍:I am well-educated in USA with Ph.D. USA citizen now. 52 years in age. 173cm in height, 65Kg in weight. handsome with good personality. I am nice, kind, considerate, compassionate. I am working in a large hospital in USA. Both career and family orientated.I am looking for another half of my life for marriage. Expecting to meet a lady who is warm hearted and nice. Hope we can share our expectation and explore the happy future together in our life.Thanks!男,52,丧偶., 身高173厘米,65 kg. 博士学历,Managemant,美国USA户口,在美国USA居住。待人真诚, 正直善良、有责任心, 事业有成, 形象气质等各方面情况优秀。希望能与你相识、相知、相恋,相爱到永远!my email new-wishes@hotmail.com. Thanks!地址: Boston, USA
>>>姓名:dave Yang 介绍:男,硕士,43岁,离异,身高180公分,体健貌端,为人真诚善良,加拿大公民,目前任职公营单位工程师.来加多年,喜欢户外运动.希望她是40岁以下,无孩,受过良好教育,真诚善良,用情专一,希望过平淡生活的有经济实力的女士.有意者请附上本人照片邮件联系:davidy20050805@yahoo.ca 谢谢.地址: 加拿大
>>>姓名:Lang, Buster 介绍:To a prospective immigrant,FYI, I'm a Chinese-Canadian who is in his mid-40's and good for almost nothing but double degrees that I earned from the States and some essays published in oversea news media.Hopefully, I might meet a wealthy Chinese woman via this online matchmaker to enjoy ourselves in one of North American paradises.Should you be interested in an immediate immigration, please feel free to contact me via my email address.Incidentally, please do not bother to attach your picture(s) because I don't care whether you're pretty or not, you know.邮箱:langbuster@yahoo.com.地址: Canada
>>>姓名:David Han 介绍:I'm 55, 175cm and 150 pounds. I live at 5125 Sout Ellis Ave Chicago Illinois 60615. I'm a US citizen and is a professor. I'm single and like music. I do ballroom dance. I want to find a beautiful, kind, warm and sexy woman as my live-long love. My phone number is 001 773 363 2917.email:dhan11@juno.com 地址:Illinois