>>>姓名:David 介绍:我是90年代初到爱尔兰的潮汕人 (懂客家话),后移居英格兰,现在曼城冰冻食品厂工作。之前曾在爱尔兰卡克学院完成经济系NVQ5课程。做过义工,喜欢做菜、看书刊杂志、足篮球、画画、下棋、收集久照片。我理解中另一半应在40之下,而必需是心态年轻,必需受过良好教育,身体健康,珍惜感情,热爱家庭生活。If you think you fit the bill, please email : overseasman@hotmail.co.uk and forward your photos. I am looking forward to receiving letter. Thank you.电话: 0160 9101 7531 地址: Manchester City, UK
>>>姓名: Johnson Zhen 介紹: A gril I'm looking for who is never married, has no sexial relationship experience but I don't care you had how many boyfriends before, you must be honest, takecare and loving personality. the age between 36-42 years. 邮箱: johnsonzhen@yahoo.cn 地址: 新西兰
>>>姓名: Roger 介紹: Successful 53 year old man is looking for a Chinese wife,. I am located in San Diego CA USA. I am smart, engaging and very responsible to family. Contact me at rwb54us@yahoo.com or 1-858-610-2645 地址: 美国圣地亚哥
>>>姓名: david fu 介紹: I'm 40, nice, kind no smoking man. I like travel, music..I wish she is beautiful age under 34.邮箱:davidfu6@hotmail.com.电话 2014506252 . 地址: 美国休斯顿
>>>姓名: ANNY 介紹: 我是普通的凡人。孤独漂泊的日子我想结束了,想回生我养我故乡去发展,居住,72年哭着落地,三十六年后长高了175,有个宝贝小老虎在大陆。寻找个会呵护小老虎,气质好,经济独立温柔善良的你,和我牵手共同创造美好未来,没有诚意请勿骚扰QQ815107807,邮箱:815107807@QQ.COM.电话:001-9172937538. 地址:NY.USA
>>>姓名: Frank 介紹: 加拿大公民,微软工程师,单身未婚,33岁,1.7米,65公斤,身心健康,正直大方,爱好音乐、乒乓球、电影、美食和中西方文化。理想中的她25岁以内,1.6米以上,单身纯情,健康美丽,温柔善良,有女人味,高中毕业以上。幸福的生活源于真心真情真爱,我经常期盼心上人从天而降,从此在北美真正开始精彩的人生。如果你恰巧是我正在期待的那位天使,恳请你不要犹豫,希望你的心声早点飞进我的邮箱frankneedu@hotmail.com,希望能看到你最近的生活照片(不是艺术照)。我相信只要我们彼此满意,彼此真心,我们一定会在美国/加拿大拥有幸福的生活。地址:美国,西雅图
>>>姓名: wang micheal 介绍:my name is micheal. i have been usa for 45 years. now i am 52 years old. i can not speak chinese. my hometown is guangdong. i would like to find a woman from homecountry . i am a finance consultant. my email is micheal.wang9@gmail.com. 地址:美国
>>>姓名: Yuan Ming 介绍:I'm Bernard can also call me Yuan Ming 43 year old still single(not marriage)born in singapore 1.71m tall and weight in 62kg. I'm looking for my the other half, she a faithful and cheerful person. She had kindly heart is above 1.65m tall below 55kg and sincere enough. Hope you are the one I'm looking for, my Mrs.right.You can email me at tanbernard_777@yahoo.com.sg or call me or sms me to +6598315013. 地址:Singapore
>>>姓名:Song Long 介绍:男,中等身材,40多岁,在西方受教育,斯文有礼,有房车.有过简短的经商史,但赚不了钱,倒是学会了做人的道理.朋友家庭才是真正的财富.目前的工作与经商无关,只是打工度日.然而这些年来并不浪费,因为到过许多地方旅游,增长了见识.甘肃敦煌,云南石林,地中海群岛,都留下我的足迹.回头一看,倒发觉少了一样重要的东西.如果你能猜到我要找的是什么,请email:songcalong_4@msn.com, 电话:0044 020 7987 0935. Thank you.地址:56b Courland Grove London N19
>>>姓名:Jun 介绍:I am well-educated in USA with Ph.D. USA citizen now. 52 years in age. 173cm in height, 65Kg in weight. handsome with good personality. I am nice, kind, considerate, compassionate. I am working in a large hospital in USA. Both career and family orientated.I am looking for another half of my life for marriage. Expecting to meet a lady who is warm hearted and nice. Hope we can share our expectation and explore the happy future together in our life.Thanks!男,52,丧偶., 身高173厘米,65 kg. 博士学历,Managemant,美国USA户口,在美国USA居住。待人真诚, 正直善良、有责任心, 事业有成, 形象气质等各方面情况优秀。希望能与你相识、相知、相恋,相爱到永远!my email:Weili.1996@hotmail.com.Please send your email with your recent photo to me, I will reply to you. Thanks!地址: MA, USA